Issue 42, 2024

Unveiling the potential of emergent nanoscale composite polymer electrolytes for safe and efficient all solid-state lithium-ion batteries


Solid-state polymer electrolytes (SSPEs) are promising materials for Li-ion batteries due to their enhanced safety features, which are crucial for preventing short circuits and explosions, replacing traditional liquid electrolytes with solid electrolytes are increasingly important to improve battery reliability and lifespan. There are essentially three-types of solid-state electrolytes such as solid polymer electrolyte, composite based polymer electrolyte and gel-based polymer electrolyte are largely used in battery applications. Additionally, battery separators must have high ionic conductivity and porosity to boost safety and performance. Durable solid composites electrolytes with excellent thermal and mechanical properties are key to reducing the risk of lithium dendrite growth, thereby improving overall battery efficiency. Despite their potential, challenges like scalability, cost and real-world performance optimizations still need to be addressed.

Graphical abstract: Unveiling the potential of emergent nanoscale composite polymer electrolytes for safe and efficient all solid-state lithium-ion batteries

Article information

Article type
Review Article
16 iyl 2024
12 sen 2024
First published
25 sen 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 30618-30629

Unveiling the potential of emergent nanoscale composite polymer electrolytes for safe and efficient all solid-state lithium-ion batteries

A. Murali, R. Ramesh, M. Sakar, S. Park and S. S. Han, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 30618 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA05134C

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