Issue 42, 2024

A rapid investigation of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent switch-on probes for detection and in cellulo tracking of G-quadruplex and double-stranded DNA


This review provides a comprehensive overview of the recent advancements in Near Infrared (NIR) fluorescence switch-on probes designed for the detection and in cellulo tracking of G-quadruplex and double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). G-quadruplexes, non-canonical DNA structures, play pivotal roles in regulating various biological processes, making them critical targets for therapeutic and diagnostic applications. The unique properties of NIR fluorescence probes, such as deep tissue penetration, minimal photodamage, and low autofluorescence background, offer significant advantages for bioimaging. We critically analyze the design strategies, photophysical properties, and binding mechanisms of various NIR fluorescence switch-on probes. Additionally, we discuss their efficacy and specificity in identifying G-quadruplexes and dsDNA within cellular environments. Key challenges and future directions for improving the sensitivity, selectivity, and biocompatibility of these probes are also highlighted. This review aims to underscore the potential of NIR fluorescence probes in advancing our understanding of DNA dynamics and their applications in biomedical research.

Graphical abstract: A rapid investigation of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent switch-on probes for detection and in cellulo tracking of G-quadruplex and double-stranded DNA

Article information

Article type
Review Article
28 avq 2024
13 sen 2024
First published
25 sen 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2024,14, 30631-30646

A rapid investigation of near-infrared (NIR) fluorescent switch-on probes for detection and in cellulo tracking of G-quadruplex and double-stranded DNA

H. Shinziya, R. S. Menon and A. K. Das, RSC Adv., 2024, 14, 30631 DOI: 10.1039/D4RA06207H

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