Issue 37, 2024

Achieving a balance of rapid Zn2+ desolvation and hydrogen evolution reaction inertia at the interface of the Zn anode


It is difficult to achieve fast kinetics of Zn2+(H2O)6 desolvation as well as HER inertia at the same electrolyte/Zn interface during long-term cycling of Zn plating/stripping in aqueous Zn-ion batteries. Herein, an effective interface construction strategy with hydrophilic transition metal oxides was proposed to achieve that balance using a CeO2 layer coating. The hydrophilic CeO2 layer can bring a balance between improving the access to the anode surface for Zn2+(H2O)6 electrolyte ions, providing uniform Zn2+ nucleation sites and HER inertia. What's more, Zn corrosion can be significantly inhibited benefiting from this coating layer. The efficiency of aqueous Zn-ion batteries showed a great enhancement. Ultra-long plating/stripping stability up to 1600 h and excellent recovery (returning to 0.5 from 20 mA cm−2) for the symmetric CeO2@Zn system were observed. A full cell with the MnO2 cathode (CeO2@Zn//MnO2) with good reversibility and stability (∼600 cycles) was fabricated for practical application. Our work provides a fundamental understanding and an essential solution to deal with the balance between rapid desolvation and inhibition of the hydrogen evolution reaction, which is important for promoting the practical application of rechargeable Zn batteries.

Graphical abstract: Achieving a balance of rapid Zn2+ desolvation and hydrogen evolution reaction inertia at the interface of the Zn anode

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Article information

Article type
09 iyn 2024
20 iyl 2024
First published
19 avq 2024

Nanoscale, 2024,16, 17412-17418

Achieving a balance of rapid Zn2+ desolvation and hydrogen evolution reaction inertia at the interface of the Zn anode

X. Xiao, D. Wang, G. Xu, Z. Zhang, J. Li, S. Wang, Y. Yuan, C. Hu and H. Jin, Nanoscale, 2024, 16, 17412 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR02385D

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