Volume 173, 2014

Role of edge geometry and chemistry in the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures


The geometry and chemistry of graphene nanostructures significantly affects their electronic properties. Despite a large number of experimental and theoretical studies dealing with the geometrical shape-dependent electronic properties of graphene nanostructures, experimental characterisation of their chemistry is clearly lacking. This is mostly due to the difficulties in preparing chemically-modified graphene nanostructures in a controlled manner and in identifying the exact chemistry of the graphene nanostructure on the atomic scale. Herein, we present scanning probe microscopic and first-principles characterisation of graphene nanostructures with different edge geometries and chemistry. Using the results of atomic scale electronic characterisation and theoretical simulation, we discuss the role of the edge geometry and chemistry on the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures with hydrogenated and oxidised linear edges at graphene boundaries and the internal edges of graphene vacancy defects. Atomic-scale details of the chemical composition have a strong impact on the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures, i.e., the presence or absence of non-bonding π states and the degree of resonance stability.

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Article information

Article type
18 Apr 2014
03 Jul 2014
First published
03 Jul 2014

Faraday Discuss., 2014,173, 173-199

Author version available

Role of edge geometry and chemistry in the electronic properties of graphene nanostructures

S. Fujii, M. Ziatdinov, M. Ohtsuka, K. Kusakabe, M. Kiguchi and T. Enoki, Faraday Discuss., 2014, 173, 173 DOI: 10.1039/C4FD00073K

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