Issue 81, 2017

Well protected SmCo nanoclusters: fabrication and transformation to single crystals


Highly pure SmCo nanoclusters (NCs) were prepared by a cluster beam deposition (CBD) method. A very thin (<5 nm) protective layer of carbon (C) was used to protect the nanoclusters from oxidation. No oxygen traces were found even after six months, demonstrating that the pure SmCo NCs can be well protected by a thin C protection layer. This result is of significance for the application of high anisotropy rare earth magnetic nanoparticles. Small size NCs experience diffusion-arbitrated coalescence after deposition causing nonuniform size distribution whereas larger clusters show uniform size distribution. Post-annealing SmCo NCs at 500 °C transforms the structure into the single crystal SmCo5 phase with hexagonal CaCu5 symmetry. Higher temperature (≥600 °C) post-annealing causes the structural deterioration of the NCs due to reaction between C and SmCo NCs which is a nanoscale effect and was not observed in bulk counterparts even at 900 °C. The single crystal SmCo5 NCs have potential applications in high density recording media and permanent magnetic materials. In addition, Sm(Co0.7Ni0.3)5 NCs were also prepared. As-produced Sm(Co0.7Ni0.3)5 NCs were amorphous and crystallized at 500 °C. The coercivity of the crystallized Sm(Co0.7Ni0.3)5 NCs was observed as 1820 Oe. These crystallized NCs might be important for scientific as well as future applications.

Graphical abstract: Well protected SmCo nanoclusters: fabrication and transformation to single crystals

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Article information

Article type
12 Sep 2017
23 Oct 2017
First published
07 Nov 2017
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

RSC Adv., 2017,7, 51695-51701

Well protected SmCo nanoclusters: fabrication and transformation to single crystals

N. Abbas, J. Ding, J. P. Liu, J. Du, W. Xia, A. Yan, F. Wang and J. Zhang, RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 51695 DOI: 10.1039/C7RA10158A

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