Issue 2, 2021

Photocatalyzed redox-neutral decarboxylative alkylation of heteroaryl methanamines


A redox-neutral decarboxylative coupling reaction of heteroaryl methylamines with NHPI esters derived from aliphatic carboxylic acids has been developed. By employing a copper complex as a photocatalyst with blue LED irradiation, NHPI esters underwent one-electron reduction and heteroaryl methenamine derivatives underwent one-electron oxidation in one photo-redox catalytic cycle to form radical intermediates, respectively, followed by the recombination of these two radicals to form new C–C bonds. The methodology is illustrated by the transformation of different kinds of heteroaromatic compounds as well as primary, secondary and tertiary alkyl carboxylic acids. The reaction can be scaled up and NHPI can be recovered. Also, the reaction can be conducted in a one-pot in situ activation manner.

Graphical abstract: Photocatalyzed redox-neutral decarboxylative alkylation of heteroaryl methanamines

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Article type
03 Dec 2020
13 Jan 2021
First published
13 Jan 2021

Green Chem., 2021,23, 774-779

Photocatalyzed redox-neutral decarboxylative alkylation of heteroaryl methanamines

P. Niu, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhang, C. Zhou, X. Bao and C. Huo, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 774 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04094K

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