Reactions of tris- and tetrakis-dimethylaminochlorotetraphosphonitriles with antimony trifluoride
Three non-geminally substituted isomers of both P4N4F4(NMe2)4 and P4N4F3(NMe2)5 have been prepared by treating the corresponding chlorides with antimony trifluoride. The former have been separated and assigned structures (VI)–(VIII) on the basis of 1H and 19F n.m.r. spectra and g.l.c. retention time data. The tetrafluorides react further with antimony trifluoride giving three isomeric pentafluorides (IX)–(XI) by substitution of an amino-group. A mechanism is postulated for the fluorination reaction which involves the formation of an SbF3 adduct and the possibility of isomerization as chlorine substitution takes place.