Preparation of two isomers of [Ru(S2CH)(PMe2Ph)4]PF6 and the characterisation of the purple one as a five-co-ordinate ruthenium(II) salt containing a phosphonium adducts of a dithioformato ligand. The X-ray crystal structure of [Ru{S2C(H)PMe2Ph}(PMe2Ph)3]PF6
The purple salt [Ru{S2C(H)PMe2Ph}(PMe2Ph)3]-PF6, shown by X-ray analysis to contain a phosphoniumbetaine group, and formed by a sterically-controlled rearrangement of the orange dithioformato complex [Ru(S2CH)(PMe2Ph)4]PF6, undergoes a reverse rearrangement during substitution reactions with P(OMe)3.