Investigations into the reaction of phosphorus trihalides and alkenes and the formation of the phosphetan ring
A fresh look has been taken at the reaction of phosphorus trihalides and alkenes in the presence of the corresponding aluminium trihalide which yields phosphetans in high yield. The reaction can give rise to several by products, especially if equimolar ratios ofthe reactants are not adhered to. The by-products have been investigated and their formation explained. The hydrolysis step of the reaction is stereospecific in some instances but not in others, and the preparation of 1-chloro-2,2,3-trimethylphosphetan 1-oxide has been used to probe this aspact of the reaction. Attempts to form phosphazene links involving phosphetans have been unsuccessful. The compound 1-amino-2,2,3,4,4-pentamethylphosphetan 1-oxide is reported.