Silyl and germyl complexes of platinum and palladium. Part 4. Reactions between four-co-ordinated halogenohydridobis(triethylphosphine)platinum(II) complexes and silyl-amines or -phosphines
Reactions between NH(SiH3)2 and trans-[PtH(I)(PEt3)2] give trans-[PtI(PEt3)2(H2SiNHSiH3)] and trans-[{PtI(PEt3)2(SiH2)}2NH]; with N(SiH3)3, only trans-[PtI(PEt3)2{H2SiN(SiH3)2}] is formed, probably for steric reasons. With PH2(SiH3) or PH(SiH3)2, PH3 and trans-[PtI(PEt3)2(SiH3)] are produced; P(SiH3)3 reacts with a four-fold excess of trans-[PtH(I)(PEt3)2] to give PH3 and trans-[PtI(PEt3)2(SiH3)], but with reacting ratios (phosphine : Pt) between 1 : 1 and 2 : 1 the products are trans-[PtI(PEt3)2{H2SiP(SiH3)2}] and trans-[{PtI(PEt3)2(SiH2}2PSiH3]. The only silyl compound of this series to give an identifiable species with trans-[PtCl(H)(PEt3)2] is PH2(SiH3) which produces trans,trans-[PH2{PtH(PEt3)2}2]+. The complexes described have been characterised by 1H and 31P n.m.r. spectroscopy and by heteronuclear double resonance. Most of these reactions are considered to involve derivatives of six-co-ordinate platinum as intermediates.