Intramolecular rearrangements of sulphines co-ordinated to Pt involving insertion and reductive coupling reactions. X-Ray crystal and molecular structure of (E)-[PtII(PhS)(PPh3)2(PhSCSO)]·C6H6, a new type of heterocumulene–metal complex
The Pt0(PPh3)2-unit in [Pt0(PPh3)2(XYCSO)](X = Y =S-aryl or X =S-alkyl, Y = aryl, both stereoisomers), in which the sulphine XYCSO is η2-CS co-ordinated, inserts into a C–S bond yielding an equilibrium mixture consisting of two stereoisomers (E)- and (Z)-[PtIIX(PPh3)2(YCSO)] and varying amounts of [Pt0(PPh3)2(XYCSO)], depending on the geometry of the co-ordinated sulphine.