Possible mechanisms of the reaction between tetrahydroborate and hydrogen ions: a permutational analysis
A detailed permutational analysis of the reaction sequence [BH4]–+ H+→ BH5→ BH3+ H2 leads to the suggestion that the reaction, in aqueous solution, could proceed via a rigid Cs intermediate BH5 having a kind of H2 subunit as potentially evolving molecular hydrogen, in agreement with previous quantum-mechanical calculations. On the other hand, the anhydrous reaction Na[BH4]+ H2SO4 could proceed via a trigonal-bipyramidal intermediate with edge attack of the [BH4]– tetrahedral structure, followed by axial–equatorial loss from the trigonal bipyramid. Finally, it is likely that the anhydrous reaction Na[BH4]+ HF proceeds via a non-rigid BH5 intermediate of undetermined structure.