Some reactions of dodecacarbonyltetrahydridotetraosmium with olefins; the molecular structure of 1,1,1,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,4-undecacarbonyl-1,2-µ-(1′-σ,1′–2′-η-cyclohexenyl)-tri-µ-hydrido-tetrahedro-tetraosmium
The complexes [Os4(CO)11(cyclo-olefin – H)H3](cyclo-olefin = cyclo-octatetraene, cyclo-octa-1,5-diene, cyclo-hexene, or norbornene) have been identified as the products of reaction of [Os4(CO)12H4] with the appropriate cyclic olefin. The structures of these complexes are discussed in terms of available spectroscopic data and in the case of the title complex [Os4(CO)11(C6H9)H3] on the basis of a single-crystal X-ray analysis. This molecule crystallises in space group P21/n with a= 9.266(4), b= 14.850(8), c= 16.847(9)Å, β= 93.39(3)°, and Z= 4. The osmium atoms define a tetrahedron, with the cyclohexene ring σ-bonded to one metal and π-bonded to another. The complex [Os4(CO)12H4] also reacts with the acyclic olefins CH2CH2, CH2
CMeCMe3, and cis-CHPh
CHPh to give the related complexes [Os4(CO)11(olefin – H)H3]. On heating, apart from the complex where the olefin is CH2
CMeCMe3, dehydrogenation occurs to produce the dihydrido-complexes [Os4(CO)11(R1C
CR2)H2](R1= H, R2= H, Ph, or CMe3; R1= R2= Ph). These complexes have been shown to contain a R1C
CR2 fragment bound via two σ and one π bond to one tetrahedral face of the Os4 cluster unit.