Bonding in clusters. Part 3. Protonation of nido-pentaborane(9), nido-hexaborane(10), and closo-hexaborate(6)(2–)
The bonding and structures of B5H9, B6H10, and B6H62– and the protonated species B5H10+, B6H11+, B6H7–, and B6H8 are analysed with MNDO, Gaussian-80, and self-consistent charge calculations. The known isomer of B6H10 is shown to be more stable than other isomers for which metalloborane analogues are known. The bonding in B5H10+ can be regarded as a B5H8+⋯ H2 complex but B6H11+ prefers a structure with six B–H terminal and five B–H–B bridged bonds. Protonation of B6H62– gives a face-capped B6H7– structure. Diprotonation of B6H62– produces a molecule in which the B6 octahedral skeleton is entirely disrupted and the molecule is predicted to be highly unstable. Attention is drawn to some of the observed differences in the chemistries of related borane, metalloborane, and metallo-clusters.