Issue 14, 1982

Alkali metal–naphthalene adducts as reagents for neutralizing oxide surfaces, and the effect of alkali metal treated surfaces in rh-catalysed synthesis gas (CO + H2) conversion


M + C10H8˙ adducts (M = Li, Na, K) are effective reagents for eliminating acidity from the surfaces of siO2, ZrO2 or zeolie y; the treated surfaces [SiO2+ Li +, Na +,Na + from M + C10H8˙, SiO2+ Na + from NaNo3 or zrO2+ Na+ from Na+C10H8˙] function as novel supports for heterogeneous Rh [from Rh4(CO)12] catalysts in the conversion of CO + H2 into MeOH with > 90% selectivity at 40–95 bar adn 250–300 °C, which contrasts with the formation of CH4over rh on the untreated oxides.

Article information

Article type

J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1982, 814-815

Alkali metal–naphthalene adducts as reagents for neutralizing oxide surfaces, and the effect of alkali metal treated surfaces in rh-catalysed synthesis gas (CO + H2) conversion

H. A. Dirkse, P. W. Lednor and P. C. Versloot, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun., 1982, 814 DOI: 10.1039/C39820000814

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