Hydrogen halide radical anions
Exposure of Me3NSO3 doped with Me3NHX (X = F, Cl, Br, or I) to 60Co γ-rays at 77 K gives radicals whose e.s.r. spectra show hyperfine coupling to 1H and X nuclei. These are identified as HX˙– radical anions. The species HF˙– has properties of normal traped hydrogen atoms, but the remainder are thought to be genuine radical anions with a σ* semi-occupied molecular orbital. The HCl˙– and HBr˙– radicals rotate about a specific axis normal to the σ bond at 77 K but the motion is quenched on further cooling. Possible mechanisms for the radiolytic processes are discussed. Other radicals detected during the course of the work include SO3˙–, Me3N˙+, and H2ĊNMe2SO3.