Issue 8, 1999

The self-assembly and spontaneous resolution of a hydrogen-bonded helix


Although geometrically similar at the single-molecule level, the crystal structures of 2,2′-dipyrrolyl ketone and its synthetic precursor, 2,2′-dipyrrolyl thioketone, vary greatly at the supramolecular level: the ketone self-assembles via hydrogen bonding into supramolecular helices accompanied by a spontaneous resolution process to generate homochiral crystals, whereas the thioketone assembles into non-helical and racemic crystals composed of layers of alternating enantiomers held together by weak interactions.

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Article information

Article type

Chem. Commun., 1999, 719-720

The self-assembly and spontaneous resolution of a hydrogen-bonded helix

T. B. Norsten, R. McDonald and N. R. Branda, Chem. Commun., 1999, 719 DOI: 10.1039/A808638I

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