Anion recognition by conservation of hydrogen-bonding patterns in salts of copper(II) co-ordinated by tetradentate bis(amidino-O-alkylurea) ligands
Refluxing C(OMe)NHC(NH2)
NCH2]2} and [CuL3e][EtOSO3]2
{L3e = [HN
NCH2]2}. Structural analysis of these complexes has revealed hydrogen-bonded supramolecular architectures constructed from [CuLi]2+
O hydrogen bonds with their
O co-ordinative interactions which complete a tetragonally elongated octahedral geometry for the copper(II) centre. In [CuL3e][EtOSO3]2 the chains, which are sinusoidal, are hydrogen bonded through a second ethyl sulfate anion to give a bilayered arrangement. The bilayers aggregate into a 3-D framework by a combination of hydrogen bonding and weak Cu
O co-ordinative interactions which result in a square pyramidal co-ordination geometry for the copper(II) centre. Despite the fit between [CuLi]2+
Cl co-ordinative interactions, which give rise to a square pyramidal copper(II) co-ordination geometry.