Poly-carbon chemistry: reactions of the multi-site coordinated diyndiyl ligand in {Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2)}2 (μ-η1,η2∶μ-η1 ,η2-CC–CC) with the nucleophiles P(OMe)3 and NHEt2Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: reaction details and spectroscopic data. See http://www.rsc.org/suppdata/cc/b0/b009797g/
The diyndiyl complex {Fe2(CO)6(μ-PPh2)}2 (μ-CC–CC) reacts with P(OMe)3 or NHEt2 to give products derived from addition to Cα and facile P–C, N–C and/or C–C bond formation.