Issue 23, 2001

Reactivity in polynuclear transition metal chemistry as a means to obtain high-spin molecules: substitution of μ4-OH by η14-N3 increases nine times the ground-state S value of a nonanuclear nickel(ii) cage


The reaction of di-2-pyridyl ketone, (2-py)2CO, with Ni(O2CMe)2·4H2O yields the cage [Ni9(OH)2(O2CMe)8{(2-py) 2CO2}4], which reacts further with N3 ions to give the structurally similar cluster [Ni9(N3)2(O2CMe)8 {(2-py)2CO2}4] containing extremely rare η14-N3groups; magnetic studies reveal that the spin ground state of the latter is nine times the ground state of the former.

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Article information

Article type
19 Jul 2001
09 Oct 2001
First published
08 Nov 2001

Chem. Commun., 2001, 2414-2415

Reactivity in polynuclear transition metal chemistry as a means to obtain high-spin molecules: substitution of μ4-OH by η14-N3 increases nine times the ground-state S value of a nonanuclear nickel(II) cage

G. S. Papaefstathiou, A. Escuer, R. Vicente, M. Font-Bardia, X. Solans and S. P. Perlepes, Chem. Commun., 2001, 2414 DOI: 10.1039/B106472J

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