A new, highly selective synthesis of aromatic aldehydes by aerobic free-radical oxidation of benzylic alcohols, catalysed by n-hydroxyphthalimide under mild conditions. Polar and enthalpic effects
A new selective synthesis of aromatic
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Dipartimento di Chimica del Politecnico, via Mancinelli 7, I-20131, Milano MI, Italy
b Università di Bergamo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria, viale Marconi 5, I-24044, Dalmine BG, Italy
c Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Chimica Organica ‘A.Mangini’, via S.Donato 15, I-40127, Bologna BO, Italy
A new selective synthesis of aromatic
F. Minisci, C. Punta, F. Recupero, F. Fontana and G. F. Pedulli, Chem. Commun., 2002, 688 DOI: 10.1039/B110451A
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