Issue 16, 2002

Ligandtrans-effect: using an old concept as a novel approach to bis(dipolar) NLO-phores


In plane parallel arrangement and enhancement of NLO-activity are observed upon coordination of heteroditopic dipoles containing a phosphole ring on square-planar d8-palladium centre.

Graphical abstract: Ligand trans-effect: using an old concept as a novel approach to bis(dipolar) NLO-phores

Article information

Article type
03 Apr 2002
24 Jun 2002
First published
05 Jul 2002

Chem. Commun., 2002, 1674-1675

Ligand trans-effect: using an old concept as a novel approach to bis(dipolar) NLO-phores

C. Fave, M. Hissler, K. Sénéchal, I. Ledoux, J. Zyss and R. Réau, Chem. Commun., 2002, 1674 DOI: 10.1039/B203149C

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