Issue 3, 2003

Effects of liquid conductivity differences on multi-component sample injection, pumping and stacking in microfluidic chips


As an increasing number of processes are being integrated into Lab-on-a-chip devices, there is an increasing need for flexible and accurate sample manipulation techniques for effective transport and separation. Conductivity differences between running buffer and analyte samples can arise as a product of on-chip processing, or by design. The two situations studied here are sample pumping (where bulk transport is increased and separation of charged analytes is delayed using a relatively high conductivity sample), and sample stacking (where bulk transport is decreased and separation of charged analytes is expedited using a relatively low conductivity sample). A recently developed dynamic loading method for on-chip sample injection in a straight-cross channel configuration is applied here to both pumping and stacking cases. A key characteristic of the dynamic loading method is the ability to inject samples of high concentration density and uniformity of any length. By employing the conductivity differences alone, the effectiveness of either sample transport or sample separation are shown to improve over the uniform conductivity case. Then it is demonstrated that increasing the sample length, through dynamic loading, greatly increases the effectiveness of sample pumping, evidenced in an eight-fold increase in peak height as well as a decrease in total sample length at a downstream detector. Dynamic loading in the sample stacking case was shown to also increase peak intensity height (three-fold) in rapid separations. These results demonstrate that the dynamic loading technique, used in conjunction with strategic conductivity differences, significantly extends the capabilities of microfluidic chips.

Article information

Article type
25 Apr 2003
20 Jun 2003
First published
07 Jul 2003

Lab Chip, 2003,3, 173-179

Effects of liquid conductivity differences on multi-component sample injection, pumping and stacking in microfluidic chips

D. Sinton, L. Ren, X. Xuan and D. Li, Lab Chip, 2003, 3, 173 DOI: 10.1039/B304614A

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