Issue 12, 2004

Allylation and highly diastereoselective syn or anti crotylation of N-toluenesulfonylimines using potassium allyl- and crotyltrifluoroborates


Air and moisture stable potassium allyl- and crotyltrifluoroborates undergo addition to N-sulfonyl and N-sulfinyl aldimines in the presence of Lewis acids, to provide the corresponding homoallylic amines in high yields and excellent diastereoselectivity.

Graphical abstract: Allylation and highly diastereoselective syn or anti crotylation of N-toluenesulfonylimines using potassium allyl- and crotyltrifluoroborates

Article information

Article type
11 Mar 2004
06 Apr 2004
First published
11 May 2004

Chem. Commun., 2004, 1382-1383

Allylation and highly diastereoselective syn or anti crotylation of N-toluenesulfonylimines using potassium allyl- and crotyltrifluoroborates

S. Li and R. A. Batey, Chem. Commun., 2004, 1382 DOI: 10.1039/B403759F

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