Issue 3, 2005

Microfluidic operations using deformable polymer membranes fabricated by single layer soft lithography


We show that it is possible to use single layer soft lithography to create deformable polymer membranes within microfluidic chips for performing a variety of microfluidic operations. Single layer microfluidic chips were designed, fabricated, and characterized to demonstrate pumping, sorting, and mixing. Flow rates as high as 0.39 µl min−1 were obtained by peristaltic pumping using pneumatically-actuated membrane devices. Sorting was attained via pneumatic actuation of membrane units placed alongside the branch channels. An active mixer was also demonstrated using single-layer deformable membrane units.

Graphical abstract: Microfluidic operations using deformable polymer membranes fabricated by single layer soft lithography

Article information

Article type
Technical Note
17 Jan 2005
20 Jan 2005
First published
02 Feb 2005

Lab Chip, 2005,5, 350-354

Microfluidic operations using deformable polymer membranes fabricated by single layer soft lithography

N. Sundararajan, D. Kim and A. A. Berlin, Lab Chip, 2005, 5, 350 DOI: 10.1039/B500792P

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