Issue 48, 2008

Two-photon absorption and polymerization ability of intramolecular energy transfer based photoinitiating systems


We design a new photoinitiating system where the two-photon absorption of a 2,7 bisaminofluorene moiety leads to the photoactivation of a camphorquinone subunit through a Förster-type intramolecular energy transfer: the application to a two-photon polymerization reaction is demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Two-photon absorption and polymerization ability of intramolecular energy transfer based photoinitiating systems

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Article information

Article type
19 May 2008
06 Oct 2008
First published
12 Nov 2008

Chem. Commun., 2008, 6540-6542

Two-photon absorption and polymerization ability of intramolecular energy transfer based photoinitiating systems

M. Jin, J. Malval, D. Versace, F. Morlet-Savary, H. Chaumeil, A. Defoin, X. Allonas and J. Fouassier, Chem. Commun., 2008, 6540 DOI: 10.1039/B808457B

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