Issue 2, 2009

New strategy for targeting of photosensitizers. Synthesis of glycodendrimeric phenylporphyrins, incorporation into a liposome membrane and interaction with a specific lectin


Two glycodendrimeric phenylporphyrins were synthesized and their interaction with phospholipids was studied at the air–water interface and in liposome bilayers; such liposomes bearing glycodendrimeric porphyrin could constitute an efficient carrier for drug targeting in photodynamic therapy.

Graphical abstract: New strategy for targeting of photosensitizers. Synthesis of glycodendrimeric phenylporphyrins, incorporation into a liposome membrane and interaction with a specific lectin

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Sep 2008
27 Oct 2008
First published
19 Nov 2008

Chem. Commun., 2009, 224-226

New strategy for targeting of photosensitizers. Synthesis of glycodendrimeric phenylporphyrins, incorporation into a liposome membrane and interaction with a specific lectin

S. Ballut, A. Makky, B. Loock, J. Michel, P. Maillard and V. Rosilio, Chem. Commun., 2009, 224 DOI: 10.1039/B816128C

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