Issue 1, 2009

Molecular botanical garden: assembly of supramolecular silver(I) and mercury(II) complexes of NS2-donor macrocycles with flower-, leaf- and tree-shaped structures§


Isomeric NS2macrocycles (ortho: L1, meta: L2 and para: L3) were synthesised and their complexes (1–4) were isolated; L1 and L2 afforded flower-type cyclic hexamer (1) and tree-shaped 3 : 4 (M/L) complex (2), respectively, in the reactions of AgPF6, meanwhile L2 and L3 afforded a respective leaf-like 1D chain (3a) and a brick-wall type 2D network (4) in the reactions of HgBr2.

Graphical abstract: Molecular botanical garden: assembly of supramolecular silver(I) and mercury(II) complexes of NS2-donor macrocycles with flower-, leaf- and tree-shaped structures

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
13 Aug 2008
22 Sep 2008
First published
17 Oct 2008

CrystEngComm, 2009,11, 43-46

Molecular botanical garden: assembly of supramolecular silver(I) and mercury(II) complexes of NS2-donor macrocycles with flower-, leaf- and tree-shaped structures

S. Park, S. Y. Lee, M. Jo, J. Y. Lee and S. S. Lee, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 43 DOI: 10.1039/B814051K

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