Issue 12, 2009

Crystal engineering of hybrid inorganic–organic systems based upon complexes with dissymmetric compartmental ligands


This paper illustrates the versatility of mono- and heterobinuclear complexes with dissymmetric compartmental ligands in designing molecular and supramolecular heterometallic systems. Mononuclear complexes with side-off bicompartmental ligands derived from o-vanillin act efficiently, through their empty compartment, as hydrogen-bond receptors and as second coordination sphere ligands. These Schiff- bases are also suitable for synthesizing 3d-3d′ and 3d-4f heterobinuclear complexes. Both 3d-3d′ and 3d-4f complexes can be employed as nodes in obtaining coordination polymers with various dimensionalities and network topologies, as well as interesting magnetic and optical properties.

Graphical abstract: Crystal engineering of hybrid inorganic–organic systems based upon complexes with dissymmetric compartmental ligands

Article information

Article type
13 May 2009
08 Jul 2009
First published
31 Jul 2009

CrystEngComm, 2009,11, 2571-2584

Crystal engineering of hybrid inorganic–organic systems based upon complexes with dissymmetric compartmental ligands

M. Andruh, D. G. Branzea, R. Gheorghe and A. M. Madalan, CrystEngComm, 2009, 11, 2571 DOI: 10.1039/B909476H

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