Issue 7, 2010

Cation and anion selectivity of zwitterionic salicylaldoxime metal salt extractants


3-Dialkylaminomethyl substituted salicylaldoximes are efficient metal salt extractants, and, in contrast to related “salen”-based reagents, are sufficiently stable to acid hydrolysis to allow commercial application in base metal recovery. Crystal structures show that metal salts are bound by a zwitterionic form of the reagents, with copper(II) nitrate, tetrafluoroborate and trifluoroacetate forming [Cu(L)2X2] assemblies in a tritopic arrangement with a trans-disposition of the anions outwith the coordination sphere. Copper(II) chloride, bromide and zinc(II) chloride form 1:1 assemblies, [Cu(L)X2], with the halides in the inner coordination sphere of the metal, leading to high chloride selectivity and very good mass transport efficiencies of CuCl2. Introduction of the anion-binding sites into the salicylaldoxime extractants changes their cation selectivities; the ligands co-extract small amounts of FeIII along with CuII from mixed metal aqueous feed solutions, an issue which will need to be addressed prior to industrial application.

Graphical abstract: Cation and anion selectivity of zwitterionic salicylaldoxime metal salt extractants

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2009
26 Nov 2009
First published
07 Jan 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 1763-1770

Cation and anion selectivity of zwitterionic salicylaldoxime metal salt extractants

R. S. Forgan, J. E. Davidson, F. P. A. Fabbiani, S. G. Galbraith, D. K. Henderson, S. A. Moggach, S. Parsons, P. A. Tasker and F. J. White, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 1763 DOI: 10.1039/B916877J

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