Issue 31, 2010

A novel polyoxochromium borophosphate with new 6-membered ring crown-shaped clusters


A novel chromium borophosphate with anionic clusters has been synthesized using boric acid as flux. X-ray diffraction analysis on a single crystal reveals that its structure comprises of crown-shaped 6-membered ring clusters [NaCr8B4P12O60H8]15−, which are built from [Cr4O18] groups, [BP2O10] anions and PO4 tetrahedra with Na+ cations encapsulated in the clusters. Magnetic investigation showed strong antiferromagnetic interactions between Cr3+Cr3+ dimers at low temperature.

Graphical abstract: A novel polyoxochromium borophosphate with new 6-membered ring crown-shaped clusters

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Article information

Article type
11 Jan 2010
07 May 2010
First published
10 Jun 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 7262-7265

A novel polyoxochromium borophosphate with new 6-membered ring crown-shaped clusters

W. Liu, L. Zhang, G. Su, L. Cao and Y. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 7262 DOI: 10.1039/C000515K

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