Issue 27, 2010

A double-walled triangular metal–organic macrocycle based on a [Cu2(COO)4] square paddle-wheel secondary building unit


A metal–organic macrocycle (MOM), [(Cu2)3L6(DMF)2(H2O)4], was prepared using a long and “pseudo-rigid” dicarboxylic acid, 1,4-bis(3-carboxylphenylethynyl)benzene (H2L), with some rotational flexibility, where the MOM has a double-walled triangular geometry with three Cu paddle-wheel secondary building units (SBUs) doubly connected by the ligands in a cis-conformation.

Graphical abstract: A double-walled triangular metal–organic macrocycle based on a [Cu2(COO)4] square paddle-wheel secondary building unit

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2010
24 May 2010
First published
07 Jun 2010

Dalton Trans., 2010,39, 6178-6180

A double-walled triangular metal–organic macrocycle based on a [Cu2(COO)4] square paddle-wheel secondary building unit

X. Song, X. Liu, M. Oh and M. S. Lah, Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 6178 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00185F

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