Issue 2, 2010

Nickel(ii) tetra-aminophthalocyanine modified MWCNTs as potential nanocomposite materials for the development of supercapacitors


The supercapacitive properties of nickel(II) tetraaminophthalocyanine (NiTAPc)/multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) nanocomposite films have been interrogated for the first time and found to possess a maximum specific capacitance of 981 ± 57 F g−1 (200 ± 12 mF cm−2), a maximum power density of 700 ± 1 Wkg−1, a maximum specific energy of 134 ± 8 Wh kg−1 and excellent stability of over 1500 charge-discharge continuous cycling. Impedimetric study proves that most of the stored energy of the MWCNT-NiTAPc nanocomposite can be accessible at high frequency (720 Hz). When compared to MWCNTs modified with unsubstituted nickel(II) phthalocyanine (MWCNT-NiPc) or nickel(II) tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine (MWCNT-tBuNiPc), MWCNT-NiTAPc exhibited superior supercapacitive behaviour, possibly due to the influence of nitrogen-containing groups on the phthalocyanine rings.

Graphical abstract: Nickel(ii) tetra-aminophthalocyanine modified MWCNTs as potential nanocomposite materials for the development of supercapacitors

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Article information

Article type
04 Aug 2009
08 Oct 2009
First published
12 Nov 2009

Energy Environ. Sci., 2010,3, 228-236

Nickel(II) tetra-aminophthalocyanine modified MWCNTs as potential nanocomposite materials for the development of supercapacitors

A. T. Chidembo, K. I. Ozoemena, B. O. Agboola, V. Gupta, G. G. Wildgoose and R. G. Compton, Energy Environ. Sci., 2010, 3, 228 DOI: 10.1039/B915920G

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