Issue 3, 2010

Comparison of different calibration strategies for the analysis of zinc and other pure metals by using the GD-MS instruments VG 9000 and Element GD


Synthetic pressed metal powder standards doped with standard solutions were used for the calibration of both commercially available high resolution GD-MS instruments Element GD and VG 9000 for zinc matrix. Different quantification procedures (IBR, Standard RSF, matrix matched RSF from the calibration with CRMs and use of doped synthetic standards) are compared using zinc matrix as an example, whereas the calibration with doped pellets turned out to be the best quantification technique for high-purity materials. The applicability of the Standard RSF concept is scrutinised. In this context, RSF values for several Matrices (Co, Cu, Fe, In and Zn) are reported additionally.

Graphical abstract: Comparison of different calibration strategies for the analysis of zinc and other pure metals by using the GD-MS instruments VG 9000 and Element GD

Article information

Article type
15 Oct 2009
13 Jan 2010
First published
21 Jan 2010

J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010,25, 314-321

Comparison of different calibration strategies for the analysis of zinc and other pure metals by using the GD-MS instruments VG 9000 and Element GD

T. Gusarova, T. Hofmann, H. Kipphardt, C. Venzago, R. Matschat and U. Panne, J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2010, 25, 314 DOI: 10.1039/B921649A

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