Issue 4, 2010

Intracellular imaging of HeLa cells by non-functionalized NaYF4 : Er3+, Yb3+ upconverting nanoparticles


We report on the efficient incorporation of non-functionalized NaYF4 : Er3+, Yb3+nanoparticles inside HeLa live cancer cells by direct endocytosis. The efficient two-photon excited near-infrared-to-visible upconversion fluorescence of these nanoparticles is then used to obtain high-contrast intracellularfluorescence images of single cells. These images reveal a redistribution of the nanoparticles inside the cell as the incubation time increases. Thus, non-functionalized NaYF4 : Er3+, Yb3+nanoparticles emerge as very promising fluorescence probes for real-time imaging of cellular dynamics.

Graphical abstract: Intracellular imaging of HeLa cells by non-functionalized NaYF4 : Er3+, Yb3+ upconverting nanoparticles

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Article information

Article type
24 Aug 2009
26 Oct 2009
First published
17 Nov 2009

Nanoscale, 2010,2, 495-498

Intracellular imaging of HeLa cells by non-functionalized NaYF4 : Er3+, Yb3+ upconverting nanoparticles

F. Vetrone, R. Naccache, A. Juarranz de la Fuente, F. Sanz-Rodríguez, A. Blazquez-Castro, E. M. Rodriguez, D. Jaque, J. G. Solé and J. A. Capobianco, Nanoscale, 2010, 2, 495 DOI: 10.1039/B9NR00236G

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