Issue 1, 2010

New hyperbranched polyaryleneethynylene containing azobenzenechromophore moieties in the main chain: facile synthesis, large optical nonlinearity and high thermal stability


A new main-chain NLO hyperbranched polymer (P1) was first prepared through a simple synthetic route, which demonstrated much better NLO properties (d33 value up to 143.8 pm/V) than its corresponding linear analogue (P2), since the three-dimensional spatial isolation from the highly branched structure could greatly enhance the poling efficiency.

Graphical abstract: New hyperbranched polyaryleneethynylene containing azobenzenechromophore moieties in the main chain: facile synthesis, large optical nonlinearity and high thermal stability

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Article information

Article type
27 Aug 2009
24 Sep 2009
First published
16 Dec 2009

Polym. Chem., 2010,1, 78-81

New hyperbranched polyaryleneethynylene containing azobenzenechromophore moieties in the main chain: facile synthesis, large optical nonlinearity and high thermal stability

Z. Li, W. Wu, C. Ye, J. Qin and Z. Li, Polym. Chem., 2010, 1, 78 DOI: 10.1039/B9PY00225A

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