Issue 13, 2011

Different structural destinations: comparing reactions of [CuBr2(3-Brpy)2] crystals with HBr and HCl gas


Reaction of green crystalline solid trans-[CuBr2(3-Brpy)2] 1 (3-Brpy = 3-bromopyridine) with HBr (aq) vapour yields brown crystalline salt (3-BrpyH)2[CuBr4] 2 with quantitative conversion. Notably 2 adopts a different crystal structure to the three mutually isostructural compounds (3-XpyH)2[CuCl4] (X = Cl, Br) and (3-BrpyH)2[CuBr2Cl2] which result from reaction with HCl. Crystalline product 2 has been characterised by X-ray powder diffraction and its conversion back to 1 at 370–400 K has been followed in situ by synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction. Crystalline 1 and 2 are further notable for the presence of intermolecular C–Br⋯Br–Cu halogen bonds and (only in the case of 2) N–H⋯Br–Cu hydrogen bonds.

Graphical abstract: Different structural destinations: comparing reactions of [CuBr2(3-Brpy)2] crystals with HBr and HCl gas

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Article information

Article type
19 Feb 2011
16 Mar 2011
First published
21 Apr 2011

CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 4400-4404

Different structural destinations: comparing reactions of [CuBr2(3-Brpy)2] crystals with HBr and HCl gas

G. Mínguez Espallargas, A. J. Florence, J. van de Streek and L. Brammer, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 4400 DOI: 10.1039/C1CE05222E

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