Issue 21, 2011

Controllable growth of hierarchical AlN nanostructures based on dynamic equilibrium


One-dimensional hierarchical AlN nanostructures comprising a thin nanowire on top of a nanocolumn were synthesized via a vapor–liquid–solid growth mechanism. The abrupt change in the gas flow rate in the growth chamber is responsible for the observed nanostructures. The dynamic equilibrium between absorption and evaporation of the catalyst droplet plays a key role in forming the multilevel nanostructures.

Graphical abstract: Controllable growth of hierarchical AlN nanostructures based on dynamic equilibrium

Article information

Article type
04 Jul 2011
01 Sep 2011
First published
19 Sep 2011

CrystEngComm, 2011,13, 6337-6341

Controllable growth of hierarchical AlN nanostructures based on dynamic equilibrium

M. Sun, X. Wu, C. He and P. K. Chu, CrystEngComm, 2011, 13, 6337 DOI: 10.1039/C1CE05833A

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