Issue 25, 2011

Dynamic behaviour attributed to chiral carbohydrate substituents of N-heterocyclic carbeneligands in square planar nickel complexes


Nickel complexes having acetylated glucopyranosyl group incorporated N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands with methyl or benzyl groups as an N-substituent exhibit two kinds of dynamic behaviours in solution 1H NMR spectroscopy. One of the dynamic behaviours is attributed to the anti- and syn-rotamers, which occur by the rotation of the unsymmetrical NHC ligands around the axes of the Ni–C bonds. The other is attributed to the diastereomers of the syn-rotamers, which occur by opposite rotation of the imidazolylidene rings and the chiral carbohydrate group incorporated into the NHC ligands. Crystallographic analysis of the nickel complex having the NHC ligand with acetylated glucopyranosyl and benzyl groups as N-substituents showed CH-π interaction between the glucopyranosyl unit of each NHC ligand and the phenyl ring of the other NHC ligand in the complex in the solid state.

Graphical abstract: Dynamic behaviour attributed to chiral carbohydrate substituents of N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in square planar nickel complexes

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Article information

Article type
27 Dec 2010
13 Apr 2011
First published
24 May 2011

Dalton Trans., 2011,40, 6778-6784

Dynamic behaviour attributed to chiral carbohydrate substituents of N-heterocyclic carbene ligands in square planar nickel complexes

T. Shibata, S. Ito, M. Doe, R. Tanaka, H. Hashimoto, I. Kinoshita, S. Yano and T. Nishioka, Dalton Trans., 2011, 40, 6778 DOI: 10.1039/C0DT01833C

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