Volume 153, 2011

Extracting dynamics of excitonic coherences in congested spectra of photosynthetic light harvesting antenna complexes


We present an analysis of dephasing rates for multiple zero-quantum electronic coherences in the Fenna–Matthew–Olson (FMO) pigment–protein complex using two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy. We employ the linear prediction Z-transform to determine both the frequency and decay rates of 8 individually assigned exciton–exciton coherences. Despite congestion in the spectra, we can isolate multiple crosspeaks signals and analyze their dephasing rates. A non-trivial relationship exists between the excitons and the bath determining the lifetimes of different exciton–exciton coherences. We propose that the correlations that protect long-lived electronic coherence may yield microscopic knowledge regarding the structure of the protein bath surrounding the chromophores.

Article information

Article type
30 Mar 2011
27 Apr 2011
First published
24 May 2011

Faraday Discuss., 2011,153, 93-104

Extracting dynamics of excitonic coherences in congested spectra of photosynthetic light harvesting antenna complexes

J. R. Caram and G. S. Engel, Faraday Discuss., 2011, 153, 93 DOI: 10.1039/C1FD00049G

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