Issue 5, 2011

Continuous flow homogeneous alkene metathesis with built-in catalyst separation


Continuous flow homogeneous alkene metathesis using a supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) catalyst with CO2 as a transport vector allows the self-metathesis of methyl oleate with only a slight loss of activity for at least 10 h; cross-metathesis of dimethyl maleate with methyl oleate ceases after 3 h, but the catalyst remains active for methyl oleate metathesis. The reasons for this unusual behaviour are explored and a practical system for the cross-metathesis of methyl oleate with dimethyl maleate, under batch conditions, is described.

Graphical abstract: Continuous flow homogeneous alkene metathesis with built-in catalyst separation

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Article information

Article type
13 Jan 2011
08 Feb 2011
First published
16 Mar 2011

Green Chem., 2011,13, 1187-1195

Continuous flow homogeneous alkene metathesis with built-in catalyst separation

R. Duque, E. Öchsner, H. Clavier, F. Caijo, S. P. Nolan, M. Mauduit and D. J. Cole-Hamilton, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 1187 DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15048K

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