Issue 9, 2011

‘Pearls in paddy field’: monodisperse boron-doped diamond microspheres produced in a silica-nanosphere-layers matrix by chemical vapor deposition


Monodisperse boron-doped diamond microspheres (BDDMS) have been fabricated by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD) technology in a silica-nanosphere-layers matrix. This novel carbon material was characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The synthesis strategy provides a simple method for preparing monodisperse spherical and conductive diamond microparticles.

Graphical abstract: ‘Pearls in paddy field’: monodisperse boron-doped diamond microspheres produced in a silica-nanosphere-layers matrix by chemical vapor deposition

Article information

Article type
01 Jun 2011
22 Oct 2011
First published
11 Nov 2011

RSC Adv., 2011,1, 1701-1703

‘Pearls in paddy field’: monodisperse boron-doped diamond microspheres produced in a silica-nanosphere-layers matrix by chemical vapor deposition

D. Luo, L. Wu, J. Zhi and Z. Lin, RSC Adv., 2011, 1, 1701 DOI: 10.1039/C1RA00257K

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