Issue 34, 2012

Computational insight into the reductive oligomerisation of CO at uranium(iii) mixed-sandwich complexes


Calculations reveal a multistep pathway towards formation of linear [U]2-(μ-η11-C2O2); [U] = U(η-C8H6{SiH3-1,4}2)(η-Cp). However formation of deltate-bridged [U]2-(μ-η12-C3O3) requires an alternative mechanism, involving a side-on [U]2-(μ-η22-CO) complex and whereby the bridging units of [U]2-(μ-η22-CnOn) intermediates (n = 1, 2) react directly with free CO.

Graphical abstract: Computational insight into the reductive oligomerisation of CO at uranium(iii) mixed-sandwich complexes

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Article information

Article type
07 Feb 2012
03 Mar 2012
First published
21 Mar 2012

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 4118-4120

Computational insight into the reductive oligomerisation of CO at uranium(III) mixed-sandwich complexes

D. McKay, A. S. P. Frey, J. C. Green, F. G. N. Cloke and L. Maron, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 4118 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC30864A

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