Issue 37, 2012

Photoinduced water splitting with oxotitanium porphyrin: a computational study


The photochemistry of the hydrogen-bonded oxotitanium porphyrin–water complex (TiOP–H2O) has been explored with electronic-structure calculations. It is shown that intramolecular charge-transfer processes, which are initiated by the excitation of the Soret band of TiOP, accumulate electronic charge on the oxygen atom of TiOP, which in turn abstracts a hydrogen atom from water by an exoenergetic and essentially barrierless hydrogen-transfer reaction, resulting in the TiPOH˙–OH˙ biradical. About 75% of the absorbed photon energy is thus stored as chemical energy in two ground-state radicals. Absorption of a second photon by TiPOH˙ can result in the detachment of the H˙ radical and recovery of the photocatalyzer TiOP. Again, about 75% of the photon energy is stored in the dissociation energy of TiPOH˙. Overall, a water molecule is decomposed into H˙ and OH˙ radicals by the absorption of two visible photons. Exoenergetic radical recombination reactions can yield molecular hydrogen, molecular oxygen or hydrogen peroxide as closed-shell products.

Graphical abstract: Photoinduced water splitting with oxotitanium porphyrin: a computational study

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Article information

Article type
16 Apr 2012
16 Jul 2012
First published
17 Jul 2012

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012,14, 12807-12817

Photoinduced water splitting with oxotitanium porphyrin: a computational study

A. L. Sobolewski and W. Domcke, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2012, 14, 12807 DOI: 10.1039/C2CP41214D

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