Issue 2, 2012

Shaping the beating heart of artificial photosynthesis: oxygenic metal oxide nano-clusters


Water oxidation is the crucial stage in the chemical and molecular sequence of photosynthesis, designed by Nature to convert solar light into chemical energy. The artificial “off-leaf” transposition is a major goal of energy research, aiming at the continuous production of hydrogen as a solar fuel, through the photo-catalytic splitting of water. Success in this task primarily depends on the interplay of light-activated multi-electron oxidation and reduction cycles and on the invention of stable and robust water oxidation catalysts, liberating oxygen with fast rates, high quantum yield, and long-term activity. A promising perspective is herein envisaged in the molecular design of functional metal-oxide cores and composite nano-materials.

Graphical abstract: Shaping the beating heart of artificial photosynthesis: oxygenic metal oxide nano-clusters

Article information

Article type
05 Oct 2011
02 Dec 2011
First published
12 Jan 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 5592-5603

Shaping the beating heart of artificial photosynthesis: oxygenic metal oxide nano-clusters

A. Sartorel, M. Carraro, F. M. Toma, M. Prato and M. Bonchio, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 5592 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE02838G

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