Optimizing sample and spike concentrations for isotopic analysis by double-spike ICPMS†
Double spike techniques are widely used for measuring the isotopic composition of natural samples. In order to achieve the most accurate results by double spike analysis, it is important to choose an appropriate double-spike composition, analyte concentration, and spike to natural ratio (Cspk/Cnat) where Cnat is the concentration of a sample or standard with a natural abundance of the isotopes and Cspk is the concentration of an added spike with an unnatural isotope composition. Here, the effect of varying these parameters is explored using a Monte Carlo technique which simulates error from counting statistics, Johnson noise, and isobaric interferences. Typically, optimal spike composition and Cspk/Cnat are calculated under the constraint that total concentration of spike plus sample (Cspk + Cnat) must remain constant, so that as the amount of double spike is increased, the amount of sample is decreased. In practice, there is no reason for Cspk + Cnat to be held constant, because an analyst with a fixed quantity of sample may add any amount of spike to this sample as long as