Structure–property relations in anion deficient 5H- and 3C-polytype Ba(Ti,Co)O3−δ perovskites†
The polytypism and physical properties of BaTi1−yCoyO3−δ for y = 0.8 and 0.9 prepared with different δ values are reported. Samples quenched from 1293 K are strongly reduced, 3C-type perovskites (space group Pmm) with δ ∼ 0.4 and an average oxidation state of ∼Co3+ whereas slow cooled (4 °C min−1) samples are 5H-type perovskites (space group P
m1 and stacking sequence (ccchh)) with δ = 0.2 and an average oxidation state of ∼Co3.5+. An unusual feature of the 5H polymorph is the presence of ∼15 to 20% Ti(IV) on the tetrahedral (M3) sites. The 3C-polytypes are antiferromagnetic semiconductors with Néel temperatures <40 K and the 5H-polytypes are ferromagnetic semiconductors with Curie temperatures >285 K. The reasons for the changes in polymorphism and physical properties with