Issue 39, 2012

Biomorphic porous graphitic carbon for electromagnetic interference shielding


Using a kind of plant biomass (coconut shell) as template and carbon precursor, we prepare biomorphic porous carbon materials for electromagnetic interference shielding application. The carbon frameworks of the porous carbon materials are modified by in situ formation of graphitic nanostructures in a catalytic graphitization process, leading to well-tailored electrical conductivity of the resultant materials. The modified porous carbon materials exhibit shielding effectiveness of 40 dB over the X-band frequency, and the shielding by absorption is as high as 91%, indicating an absorption-dominant shielding mechanism. The high absorption contribution is attributed to the coupled effects of the biomorphic porous structures and graphitic nanostructures of the porous graphitic carbon.

Graphical abstract: Biomorphic porous graphitic carbon for electromagnetic interference shielding

Article information

Article type
13 Jul 2012
24 Aug 2012
First published
28 Aug 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 21183-21188

Biomorphic porous graphitic carbon for electromagnetic interference shielding

Q. Liu, J. Gu, W. Zhang, Y. Miyamoto, Z. Chen and D. Zhang, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 21183 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM34590K

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