Issue 20, 2012

Ultrahigh quantum efficiency of CuO nanoparticle decorated In2Ge2O7 nanobelt deep-ultraviolet photodetectors


Although there has been significant progress in the fabrication and performance optimization of 1-D nanostructure-based deep-ultraviolet photodetectors, it is still a challenge to develop an effective device with high performance characteristics, such as high photocurrent–dark current ratio and high quantum efficiency. Herein, an efficient and simple method to fabricate high performance CuO nanoparticle decorated In2Ge2O7 nanobelt deep-ultraviolet photodetectors is presented. A CuO coated In2Ge2O7 nanobelt based photodetector showed very high responsivity (7.34 × 105 A W−1) and high quantum efficiency (3.5 × 106). The underlying mechanism is proposed to be the formation of p–n heterojunctions between decorated nanoparticles and nanobelts, which enhances the spatial separation of photogenerated electrons and holes. This study opens up a new horizon for creation of novel photodetectors with high quantum efficiency.

Graphical abstract: Ultrahigh quantum efficiency of CuO nanoparticle decorated In2Ge2O7 nanobelt deep-ultraviolet photodetectors

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Article information

Article type
10 Jul 2012
06 Aug 2012
First published
08 Aug 2012

Nanoscale, 2012,4, 6318-6324

Ultrahigh quantum efficiency of CuO nanoparticle decorated In2Ge2O7 nanobelt deep-ultraviolet photodetectors

W. Tian, C. Zhi, T. Zhai, X. Wang, M. Liao, S. Li, S. Chen, D. Golberg and Y. Bando, Nanoscale, 2012, 4, 6318 DOI: 10.1039/C2NR31791E

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