Issue 4, 2012

Highly flexible and stable aptamer-caged nanoparticles for control of thrombin activity


In this paper, we have demonstrated that the thymine linker length number (Tn, n = 0–60) and stem pair number (Pm, m = 0–16) in the terminal of thrombin binding aptamers (TBAs) have a strong impact on the flexibility and stability of TBA-modified gold nanoparticles (TBAAu NPs) and thus the binding strength and inhibitory potency toward thrombin. The anticoagulation of TBAAu NPs increased with an increase in the linker length from T0 to T30 due to an increase in the flexibility of G-quadruplexes of TBAs on the Au NP surfaces (TBA-TnAu NPs). The inhibition of TBA-PmT15Au NPs increased with an increase in the Pm from P0 to P8 as a result of the increase in the rigidity and the stability of G-quadruplexes of the TBAs on the Au NP surfaces. The best results were observed for multivalent TBAAu NPs conjugates—TBA15/TBA29-P8T15Au NPs—which exhibited ultra-high binding affinity toward thrombin (Kd = 8.86 × 10−12 M) and thus extremely high anticoagulant (inhibitory) potency because of their particularly flexible and stable conformation and multivalency. Compared to the case without inhibitors, their measured thrombin clotting time (TCT) was 296 times longer, whereas for TBA15 alone it was only 3.9 times longer. From the dosage dependence of the TCT delay, we further demonstrated the anticoagulation ability of our TBA15/TBA29-P8T15Au NPs was much better than the commercial drugs (argatroban and hirudin). Moreover, the Au NPs modified with TBA with photocleavable (PC) units allow a reversal in the activity of TBAPCAu NPs via near-UV light-inducement of TBA release from Au NPs. We believe that our described techniques can be used widely to modify NPs with other anticoagulant DNA or RNA aptamers towards different proteins such as factor IX, activated protein C, and factor VIIa.

Graphical abstract: Highly flexible and stable aptamer-caged nanoparticles for control of thrombin activity

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
24 Jun 2011
02 Nov 2011
First published
22 Dec 2011

RSC Adv., 2012,2, 1577-1584

Highly flexible and stable aptamer-caged nanoparticles for control of thrombin activity

C. Hsu, S. Wei, J. Jian, H. Chang, W. Chen and C. Huang, RSC Adv., 2012, 2, 1577 DOI: 10.1039/C1RA00344E

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